I know, I know, church
can be a downer sometimes. It is not even a huge part of our culture anymore. We are a culture that wants to be entertained and just relax. PLUS, the church is full of people. *smile* These people are far from perfect. People are going to disappoint you. Some sermons are gonna feel like eternity.
I have had a lifetime in church. My daddy was the preacher!
This is me (wearing yellow), my BFF, Susan (the little blondie), and two special boys (Tim and Stephen) like brothers to me, playing in the church nursery. (Sorry there was a tear in the photo that goes down my face, photoshop can only fix it so much. We are probably ages 3 and 2.)
I have been in church almost every Sunday of my 42 year life. And I cannot count the times I felt bored or I have been tempted to just stay home and not get out of bed. But God has repeatedly changed my life in beautiful ways through listening to His whispers to me in worship services in church.
And I am here to encourage you. *smile*
Have you ever wondered if you are missing something? Why do some enjoy church and others don't?
Do you feel like you don't or won't fit in?
I promise this will be fun! And SHORT. ;)
Here are some thoughts:
1. Don't walk in thinking of yourself as Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Lutheran, or whatever. Think of yourself as a seeker of truth. The truth is found in God's Word. Seek to know what it says. Wearing a label or "Christian" t-shirt won't get you into heaven. Truth. Seek it. Find it.
2. Fellowship. When it comes to the people AT church, try to see them as God sees them. (If you feel led to pray for this, watch out. It can change your life. You might even start hugging people at church.) You might even find some amazing friendships! You might find someone you can bless and be blessed in return. Isn't that something you long for in life?
3. Why is it that sometimes the same people hear the same message and one person goes away challenged and or changed, another gets relatively nothing from the message. Why? Is it just that the message was geared toward their needs? Maybe. But it might also be that their hearts were open, they were seeking, they were listening, and were willing to change.
4. Discipline. We need to take on our spiritual life with some good old self-discipline. I know that sounds grueling. But it is rewarding beyond your imagination! God will move in and inspire!
5. Food. Your sole longs for spiritual food. And you will not find it at every church. Look for one where you and your family are fed. Look for one where you are challenged and able to grow.
Okay, now, was that so bad?
If this was too short..... here is a post titled "5 Ways To Be Unsatisfied with Your Church"-- great read: