(These are from a couple years ago.)
I am not sure which desire is greater in men, the desire to win, the desire to compete, or the desire to experience and experiment!
You might live at the Paulsen house if you have:
1. bitten into raw ginger just to see what it is like.... fyi.... it is SPICY HOT!
2. found fully intact crawdads in the clothes dryer and assumed they were living when they started off in the pocket of someone's cargo pants in the washer.
3. ever asked if you could put a piece of pizza - among other things- in the Ninja blender.... just because.
4. done the cinnamon challenge MORE that once.
5. eaten raw jicama, and now desire to try raw rutabagas.
6. held your tongue in front of the air conditioning vent in the vehicle all the way home from Chapalla's Mexican Restaurant.
7. tried drinking carbonate milk.
8. you have mastered the art of camo painting trucks and trailers.
9. you get so dirty you have to nearly strip naked before entering the house. (Yes, that is why all summer there are wet, muddy, sandy socks all over our front steps.)
10. found containers of live worms and grubs in the fridge next to things people EAT!
11. found containers of dead worms and grubs in the fridge next to things people EAT!
12. coined terms such as second breakfast, and second supper.
13. run through three feet of snow in only a pair of shorts.
14. come up with 100 reasons it is your brother's fault.
15. eat the insides of a snake cooked over a small fire in the bayou of Arkansas.
16. broken your nose more times than you can count.
17. have a ping pong table in your bedroom.
18. had massive marshmallow fights with up to 30 people in the house.
19. mooned University Avenue from high up in a cherry picker while working on parking lot lights.
20. slid off the barn into what you thought would be a very deep but soft pile of snow.
Those are just 20 glimpses into life at my house. I don't think it is asking too much for each of them to ALWAYS, ALWAYS kiss me goodnight. IS IT?
(Again these are from a couple years ago, but they might be my favorites.)