Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Counting Your Blessings ( Beth B)

Ken surprised me by suggesting we spend our Memorial Day visiting my Grandma Phyllis! (That man is such a keeper!) It has been a little over a month since my grandfather died. My grandparents would have been married 71 years this June. Grandma Phyllis got married two weeks after graduating from high school. So she is struggling to deal with a reality that she has never experienced before, i.e. loneliness. Although she is surrounded by people, she really feels the absence of her beloved husband. I expected our visit to be a time where I could bring Grandma comfort. As always, though, it was my Grandma Phyllis that brought me joy.

She continuously lists off her blessings. Not just to herself, but she readily shares the good things in her life with whomever will listen. As family, we are introduced to everyone in the retirement home, as she excitedly brags on us. Listening to her recall 89 years of blessings, you'd think that my Grandma Phyllis had a perfect life. Far from it, some of the things she endured would make grown men cry. My Grandmother however, refuses to complain. She really has no time for complainers (or tobacco or war). In fact she has given up watching the news, because she "can't understand how people could treat each other so horribly".

When my brother-in-law met my Grandma, he said, "The world sure would be better if there were more like Phyllis in it." He couldn't be more correct. I believe it is because she chooses the positive every time. Always quick to compliment and encourage, Grandma makes everyone feel good. It is this attitude that is lacking in our world. We are commanded to give thanks in everything. By her positivism, this is what Grandma has chosen to do and we all could learn from that example.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

listening (and shutting your little mouth) (Beth P)

We started a great Bible study for women at church on the Holy Spirit.  I am learning so much and finding great concepts to apply to my life. It is called "Discerning the Voice of God" by Priscilla Shirer.

This week I have been hit with the fact that we don't have to struggle to find God's will for us.  It is His job to reveal His will, it is our job to be listening and to obey.  I am a bit of a worrier at times.  I feel the need to control things at times, especially when it comes to planning and decision making.  But the Bible tells us in Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know....". (He has been leading me to that verse over and over for MONTHS and MONTHS now.  *smile*

BE STILL! Sounds so refreshing and comforting.  But the control freak in me wants to do more than that! (Just keepin' it real, y'all!) I try to "help" God along in His plan, or what I THINK is His plan,  last time I did that..... He used a story in a book I was reading about a little bird needing to SHUT his little mouth, to tell me to SHUT MY LITTLE MOUTH! And I knew I was guilty of saying something to try and push His will into my time frame!

NOW I am working hard to be still, listen and SHUT MY LITTLE MOUTH.  

Monday, May 19, 2014

Quitting (Beth B)

Is it me or is May insanely busy? I truly believe that at some point during this month, I will bump into myself. It feels like we are running in circles. Usually this stresses me out but not this year. I am quitting. I quit the things in my life that were not worth the stress. And so for the first time, this running around is really quite enjoyable.
I am constantly running into people who tell me that they wish they could quit. I really can't tell them anything but "Well, do it then." Take a cold hard look at your finances, your lifestyle and your schedule. See what things you could reasonably give up and then, if possible, quit.
I'm not just talking about jobs here either. Quit teaching Sunday School if it is a spiritual and emotional drain. Quit planting a garden, going to exercise class, unhealthy relationships, pleasing everyone, etc. etc. Some of these things can be great, but if you are doing things out of a fake obligation, then stop doing them.
Perhaps, the hardest thing to accept, is that someone else might take over for you and do a much better job. Instead of being threatened by that, you need to realize this fact meant that you were indeed supposed to quit.
The plus side is that you are then freed to give fully to the things and people that matter the most to you! It is an indescribable freedom. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

explaining your reason for hope. (Beth P)

How do you explain to someone what it is like to "walk with Jesus" everyday? How do you communicate the passion He brings to your heart and overwhelming sense of assurance He gives? How do you tell the people you love what they are missing when they don't know that they are missing something critical?
I have friends who think it is great I have this "relationship with Jesus" but don't think they need that for themselves.

Why can't I just leave it at that?

Love, that's why.
Two kinds.
When I look at that cross and what Jesus did for me. How He loved me.  I want to love Him back.  And He even tells me how to do that.
By loving you. Loving you enough to tell you that He wants you. He still wants you. 100%.  He wants you to have the same passionate, intimate relationship with Him that I have.  He wants to walk through life with you, He wants to use you.  He wants to know you.
You don't know what you are missing. And I love you too much not to bug you about it. *wink*

Most of all, He wants to save you. We all need Him to save us.  Unless you are perfect, (am I am NOT) you don't deserve heaven with Him.  So Jesus came and paid for your lack of perfection by being the sacrifice FOR YOU! He made those who believe in Him, perfectly clean before God.  Not perfect, but perfectly pure before God.  He made it right, for someone so wrong to be forever in His presence.
When you stand before God one day, and you will, there is only one reason He can let your imperfect self into His glory.... not because you are a really nice person, not because of the people you helped and loved..... He sets the bar high..... He has to because He is God....but He has not left you without a means to reach that bar... He made a way for ANYONE to stand before Him pure.  And it is simple and pure. It is by faith in what Jesus Christ did. AND ONLY in what Jesus Christ did. That is the ONLY reason I will spend eternity with God, because Jesus paid the ticket price for me.  There was never enough good things I could do to buy that ticket.

Sure you can trust in Him to save you and then go about life living how you want. Lots of people do.  Lots of people are just comfortable with trusting Him with only THAT.
But why would you?  If you REALLY believe that God Almighty sent Jesus the Son of God to earth as a baby and ultimately to the cross to be a sacrifice for all the sin you ever committed, don't you want the REST of what He has for you? There's more! And it's incredible! There's a life time of amazing things He is waiting to do in you and through you, that just won't happen without a close relationship with Him.

Don't really believe me?

Ask Him,  I dare you to ask Him!!!

Ask Him to show you TRUTH.

All I can do is tell you over and over that the passion and joy he brings to life is beyond your wildest dreams.  Don't miss out.  Here or in eternity.  There IS a HELL.  It is real.  And life is so very short. You may have gotten sidetracked by the cruelty of things that happen in this world, but it is not too late.

He is forgiving and loving and waiting.