Monday, January 27, 2014

An intro to Beth B!

Beth P writing:

HERE WE GO Y'ALL! Time to get this bloggy started!

First I know a lot of you either know me or know Beth B and then some of you know both of us! So I want to tell all specifically my peeps about my friend Beth B!

1. She is a tiny person with a VERY big heart.
2. She is super strong, she hiked Peruvian mountains like a boss last summer.
3. She is crazy funny.
4. She is the mathematical Beth, I AM NOT.
5. She is a hugger. Not much on tree hugging, but pretty much LOVES hugging munchkins.
6. She doesn't put ANY dressing on her salads.
7. She will jump in the car with anyone headed to Chick-Fil-A.
8. She and I apparently sound the same on the phone so be careful, very very careful calling one of us.
9. She loves God and David Crowder. Oh and her husband of course.
10. She has become my prayer partner. We have prayed through some STUFF y'all!

You are gonna love her!

No post to the blog will go without the review and approval of the "other Beth".  And our husbands will also be in on the editing at times.  We long to encourage and not to offend.  This journey is gonna be so fun together! Hope y'all enjoy it with us!

1 comment:

  1. I love BOTH of these Beths! AND I am totally not surprised Beth B. loves David Crowder more than the hubs! ;-) Looking forward to the joy your blog will bring!


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