Tuesday, March 18, 2014

..........praying. (Beth P)

Y'all my heart is heavy over the hurts I see happening to those around me.

So I whisper prayers. A lot. Out loud even. Sometimes while I drive.  Sometimes while I read.

Sometimes I feel like my prayers are just tiny wishes that float on the air until they disappear.

Sometimes it feels like they fall like a sinker into the muck of the riverbed.


But praise God, our feelings don't determine the power of our prayers. All He asks is that I pray believing. And He asks that I come humbly before Him. He even tells us it takes only TINY TINY faith like a mustard seed. (Boy does He know my weakness.) And He hears.

He hears y'all!!!

He hears, He knows and he longs for that tiny wish I send to Him believing.  He longs to hear my say it whether in my heart or out loud from my lips. He LONGS for it! He doesn't mind if I am not on my knees, He understands if I am praying to Him on the inside while looking right at that friend.

Prayer matters.

Come on, ask me... ask me why the Almighty God of the Universe wants me to pray!!!

I know! He is in control so why does my prayer matter?!?!?

He chooses to LISTEN to MY prayers and let that be a catalyst in His will.

WOW!!! WOW!!!!

Doesn't that blow you away?

That's how much He loves and cherishes us! Amazing.

The answer is - relationship.

We have a God that didn't just create and set the world in motion hoping we don't screw it all up, He wants to move and work in every tiny or BIG situation we face.  He wants to build a bond with us, emotionally, spiritually and knit our souls with His!

Do you know what it is to have a relationship with Him?

Ask me!

Just ask me!

Message me on FACEBOOK! I can tell you more.  It's amazing. It's filling, it completes everything you are longing for in your soul.

I don't write for this blog to get more "likes" on Facebook;  I don't even do it to get you to like me. I do it because I want to build a relationship with more people that are longing for more of Him.

Come on, message me. *smile*

I promise I will pray for you...

if you want.

And He will hear.  

Cause He wants to hear, 
even though He already knows. 
 He WANTS to hear.

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