Wednesday, April 16, 2014

living young. (Beth P)

I turned 43 today!

So far I like being 43! lol!

To be honest it feels the same as 42 so far.  *wink*

I am thrilled to still be on this earth at 43!

What a gift!

How about I make a list (43 would be too long) of 10 things you may not know about me at 43?!

1. I ate fudge for my snack this morning.  It rocked.

2. I love sleep.  I need sleep.  I now nap on a regular basis. And I am learning to not feel guilty about it.

3. I gave up sugar and white flour and it wasn't even that hard, thanks to (THM). And I don't mind having a birthday without sugar!

4. I am finally letting go of the fear of what others think of me..... wish I could say I learned it sooner, but better late than never.

5. I have committed to being more vocal.  More courageous with my words.  I have a lot to say that y'all don't even know!!!! *smile*

6. I am so excited about what God is doing in my life lately! Oh! And in my church family.  It is pretty cool, no, it is amazing. Ask me about it! I would love to chat with you!

7. I am learning how HUGE, I mean REALLY H.U.G.E. God really is. It is life changing.

8.  I often struggling with the aches and pains of an aging body, but I feel 33, yea, and I forget that I am 43 and it is probably a good thing I forget. I forget a lot of stuff. *wink*

9. I DO know I am not at all the same person I was at 41. THAT, I do know. And it is all because He is changing me in wonderful and fun ways! Sometimes painful, but mostly fun.

10. I wanna live like there won't be a 44 for me, and act like I am 33.

I watched this video last night (back when I was 43), both women are just precious. While I am often fearful and more like An in the video sometimes, I want the joy of the Ria at 78, don't you!?!?!

You will smile and laugh through this whole video! ENJOY!

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