Saturday, February 8, 2014

Don't Stop Embracing Limits- Part 1

Back when it was entertaining, we used to watch American Idol. The rest of my family enjoyed the episodes featuring the auditions. There was always a parade of poor performances by people, who honestly had limited talent at the best. The rejected contestants would storm out of the audition room in tears with cuss words flying. Most of them blamed the judges for not recognizing real talent and vowed to prove them wrong. Although it made for good television, I disliked watching this deliberate public humiliation and the pain of people realizing their dreams are not going to be realized.

I have always wondered why these contestants didn't have someone in their lives who loved them enough to stop them from this embarrassment. Unfortunately telling people the truth is disdained in our society when actually it is often the kindest option. As parents and teachers, we have often told our children that they can achieve all of their dreams through effort and determination. Our intent is good. We want our kids to pursue success and try their best in all that they do. But too often the message is that the sky is the limit. On the surface that sounds great, however the real message is a complete lie.

Look at it this way, I am never ever going to play on the defensive line for the Minnesota Vikings! No matter how much effort or desire that I have, it is not going to happen. You could say the same thing about my chances of being a professional singer, dancer, ice skater, saleswoman etc. The list could go on and on. Reality dictates that there are things that I will never be able to do well. Instead of viewing this as a failure or an injustice, I have chosen to view this as liberating. Just because I want something, I am not entitled to it. Some people have amazing talents that I will never have and vice versa. Instead of striving to become someone we are not, accepting our natural limits allows us to thrive as the people we were created to be. It is much easier to maximize the use of our God given talents and abilities instead of struggling to attain an unreasonable goal.  Therefore operating within boundaries produces success and hence we are free from unrealistic and exhausting expectations.  And this success is so much better than pipe dreams.

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