Friday, February 21, 2014

Don't Stop Fighting For Your Marriage (Beth B)

As I write this, Ken is cooking Captain Crunch-coated french toast! I have a feeling it may be totally delicious. (Hopefully BP can find a recipe to include with this post!) I am lucky enough to be married to a man who cooks and cleans. He also does our books, repairs things around the house, provides most of our income and did a marvelous job raising our children. Because of this I have the utmost respect and appreciation for him but none of these wonderful things are the reason I love him. I love him, not the things he does.
I married a kind, loving, compassionate, wise, honest and funny man. And the best thing is that he gets me. We have a great time together. Having been married for so long, we have plenty of "inside jokes". It also means that he knows what I am feeling without having to explain it to him! In other words he is just "a keeper"!
Now that you are all vomiting from the sugary sweetness, I want to also confess that we DO NOT have the "perfect" marriage. There is no such thing. We have just chosen to prioritize our relationship. I can not tell you how that will look in your marriage. There are hundreds of thousands of blogs and articles from wiser people that can give you concrete advice. But I can offer this piece of advice from Ken: He told me that if he had to write a marriage book it would be a very short one. In fact all it would say is: Never, ever, ever give up because it is so worth it!

Maybe go make french toast together! CLICK HERE FOR THE RECIPE

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