Thursday, June 5, 2014

hearing. (Beth P)

Hearing the voice of God….. wow, doesn't it seem hard? 

This study from Priscilla Shirer (that the woman at my church have been doing) has shown me it is actually the OPPOSITE! It is actually pretty simple if we listen.  BUT we seem to try and make it so hard. 

Here are some thoughts from the study…

1. We can't depend on circumstance to determine what God is doing. 

2. Just because we feel comfortable doing something doesn't make it right.

3. God will never lead us to do something contrary to His Word, so know His Word and use it as a filter for discerning His voice versus our own thoughts or conscience. 

4. “You may feel ill-equipped to handle many things God calls you to do, but when you sense His peace His is encouraging you to step out in obedience. When you obey, you will experience His supernatural power operating through you to do it.” - Priscilla Shirer

5. “You may not feel confident in your own ability but you can grow in confidence in His.” - Priscilla Shirer

6. "It is God's responsibility to cause you to hear and to recognize His voice." - Priscilla Shirer

Don't believe her?  Read Proverbs 3:5-6. Or read Philippians 3:15, it's there too! Oh, and in Philippians 2:13 and Psalm 37:4.  

Are you seeking Him right now in your life? 

That is how you hear His voice, seeking to know Him. 

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